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Integrated Rehabilitation Centre for Addicts (M/F)

Admission Procedure
Admissions are made on Monday to Friday between 10 am and 3 pm. Due to a possible waiting list, prior appointment must be taken before admission. If you are a resident of Nagpur, you can personally come to the center and pay Rs. 1000/- in cash to confirm the admission. For out station patients, you can send a money to account of Rs. 1000/- and confirm the admission on phone.
You should confirm your date of admission before visiting the center for admission.

The fees for the 1 month treatment duration towards the Provisions is Rs. 10,000/- with effect from April 01, 2020. This is applicable to both Male & Female sections. This amount is to be paid in cash at the time of admission. Fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Charges for medicines or pathological tests prescribed by the Doctor will have to be paid extra.

Please click on the link below to see a notice from the Charity Commissioner office pertaining to waiver of charges for persons from the BPL (Below Poverty Line) group and weaker section of the society.

Waiver of fees for Below Poverty Line group

At the center, psychological treatment is given to the patient. Besides his/her detoxification and de-addiction treatment, if he/she falls sick due to any other illness, then parents and guardians are responsible for his/her extra treatment. During the 1 month indoor treatment, the patients have to follow all the rules and regulations very strictly.

On completion of 1 month, the client is discharged on Friday after the function of ‘Chintan’ at 10.30 am.

During 1 month, the patient is NOT allowed to make or receive phone calls. Relatives are allowed to meet their patients only on Saturday between 12 am and 3 pm. No one is allowed to meet the patient on any other day.

Compulsory Documents –
As per the rules laid down by Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India, New Delhi following is compulsory at the time of admission:

  1. Aadhar Card Copy of the Patient at the time of admission
  2. PAN Card Copy of the patient or the person escorting him / her for admission.

History – You are supposed to bring your patient’s history at the time of admission.

It should include…

  • Childhood, since when he/she started taking drugs or drinks, his/her behavior during addiction days and his/her relationship at home.
  • What are the instances that led him/her to drink or take/use drugs, and what made him/her an addict.
  • Any prior treatment taken before admitting to Madhur.
  • What are the patient’s good qualities, habits and characteristics
  • Presentably Treatment file with medicines

Things to bring

At the time of admission, please bring the following personal items:

  1. Two Sets of White T-shrit& Pajama
  2. Two to Three sets of Undergarments
  3. Casual Clothing -Bermuda/ Sweat Pant/ T. Shirt
  4. Towel
  5. Napkin
  6. Rubber Slippers
  7. Small Lock & Key for Personal Locker
  8. SolapuriChaddar/ Shawl/ Bed Sheet
  9. Disposable Twin Blade Razor + Shaving Kit
  10. Toothbrush & Toothpaste
  11. Bathing Soap + Box, Shampoo
  12. Hair Oil
  13. Washing Soap, Detergent
  14. Talcum Powder
  15. Non – Perishable eatables for personal use
  16. Note Book (100 pages) and Pen
  17. Hair Comb

You are NOT allowed to bring Beedies, Cigarettes, Gutkha, Tobacco, Kharraor any kind of drugs. If a patient is found to be in possession of any such item, the item will be confiscated and the patient will be fined Rs. 200/- per item.

See Contact us page for directions to the center.


Prevention is better than cure!

In our opinion, generating awareness of the evils of addiction is essential for creating a drug free society. Accordingly we have been doing our bit in the form of street plays, awareness lectures, film shows etc. These are conducted at industries, addiction prone areas, cities and towns in Maharashtra State, educational institutes and at various other community platforms. We have conducted awareness programs for colleges, schools, truck drivers, teachers, factory workers, nurses, doctors, medical students and even religious leaders. We have staged over 275 street plays till date. We also closely co-operate with the police and the Crime Branch in curbing the illegal traffic in narcotic substances by sharing information with them. This information becomes accessible to us through our close interaction with the patients.

Awareness Programs
Madhur IRCA conducts awareness programs. Programs on drugs and alcohol addiction is conducted amongst Schools, Colleges, University, Industries and communities. These programs are customised according to the program participants and are aimed towards minimizing the abuse of drugs & alcohol encouraging addicts/dependents to access treatment.

Schools, Colleges& University
Awareness Programs are conducted to sensitize the student community on the harmful effects on drug & alcohol addiction. Digital (Screen) addiction which is an upcoming common issue is also discussed and awareness on harmful effects of screen addiction is facilitated.

Awareness session on extent of damages due to alcohol & drug addiction is conducted, such sessions aim at optimising the productivity at work by reducing absenteeism that may be prevalent due to addiction. The management is also encouraged to make suitable referrals for treatment.

Jail Program
Madhur IRCA in partnership with NGOs working in the Jails, facilitates the awareness programs in the Central Jail  Remand Home (Boys & Girls)  to educate the inmates on the harmful effects of drugs & alcohol addiction, discourage drug peddling, & ill effects of tobacco.

The Police Department& Crime Branch
The police force is exposed to the awareness on drug addiction, harmful effects of drugs, different kinds of drugs and handling addicts.

Madhur Outpatient Clinic

We at Madhur IRCA strongly believe in reaching out to individuals in need of psychological intervention in the form of counselling services for issues apart from addiction as well. The Outpatient functions from 10 to 2 on Monday & Friday.

Opening Hours

Monday &Friday

10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Treatment & Rehabilitation

Why is family therapy important

  • Addiction affects the family as much as the addict – they too need help.
  • Families often develop a dysfunctional pattern of behaviour – they are unable to recover without active intervention.
  • Families can facilitate the recovery process – they need to be sensitized.
  • Families can and must change irrespective of the addict’s recovery – they need to be empowered to go beyond merely coping with the problem.

The objective of the Family Programme

  • To provide information about addiction and its impact on the family
  • To help provide a safe environment to express their feelings and resolve their problems
  • To recognize their dysfunctional traits and change
  • To understand recovery as a process and extend the right support to the recovering person

Family Therapy Components

  • Reflection on a thought for the day– to introduce the concept
  • Lecture sessions– to provide information about addiction and family recovery
  • Group therapy– to discuss issues and resolve problems in a group
  • Individual counseling sessions– to develop an individual recovery plan
  • Family support group meetings– to work on recovery on a long term basis

Family Therapy helps family members to

  • Improve level of self care
  • Fulfil one’s own responsibilities
  • Establish meaningful relationships with family and others
  • Develop spiritual strength
  • Feel valued and worthwhile irrespective of the patient’s recovery
  • Work on their own recovery which can eventually influence patient’s recovery from addiction
  • Provide appropriate kind of support to the patient

Group therapy

This is a very important part of the MadhurTherapeutic Model. The groups are formed on the basis of date of admission. All friends admitted on Monday to Friday are considered.  On completion of a week on subsequent Friday they graduate to the second week.

We have experienced that this pattern of group formation is the crux of recovery process. During first week our friends are just recovering from withdrawals. Many of them feel homesick. Some of them are in denial. Some of them find it difficult to cope up with the fact of being admitted to a center. So the first week group is more or less experiencing discomfort. Even if the group may include friends from varying financial, educational or intellectual background, they are emotionally at one level, and hence relate to each other. We feel that this emotional cohesiveness works well in the process of recovery.

Our friends graduate to the subsequent weeks and evolve in a wonderful group. Just like defence staff or college students, Madhur graduates proudly call each other “batch-mates”. Initially topics for group therapy are more focused on information and motivation.

  • In the second week they are introduced to first four steps of AA and basic concepts of REBT.
  • Third week primarily focuses on emotional problems, stress management and deals with skills training.
  • Fourth week deals with behavioral and cognitive skills to stay sober.

Time Scheduled
The de-addiction treatment program is for 1 month starting every Wednesday (This will be effective from February 08, 2012). The daily routine for the friends is as below:

Time Activity
6.00 Wake up time
6.15 Morning Tea
6.45-7.45 Yoga &Pranayam
8.15-9.45 Breakfast
9.15-10.15 Meditation – Input sessions by experts
10.15 Tea Break
10.30-11.45 Time slot for visiting counsellor/Diary writing/Library
11.45-12.45 Group therapy
12.45-13.30 Lunch
14.00-16.00 Rest for new patients
14.30-15.30 Group therapy for 3rd and 4th week friends
16.30-17.00 Physical Training
17.00-17.15 Tea
17.15-18.30 Recreation/Gymnasium, Games
18.30-19.30 AA/NA meetings (Once a week on Sunday)
19.30-20.00 Prayer and distribution of medicines
20.00-20.30 Dinner
20.30-22.00 Entertainment- TV/Audio/Video/Indoor games/Books
22.00 Lights off

Input sessions

Input sessions are lectures delivered by experts. At Madhur we call it meditation. Each input session is followed by a question-answer session.
The main topics discussed are given below with corresponding reference to the therapeutic goals.

  1. HIV/AIDS: Information about what is HIV, how it is transmitted, risk factors etc. is given in a comprehensive way.
  2. Substance abuse: Information about various drugs abused and their effects is given.
  3. Medical complications: Medical officer explains effects of drugs and alcohol on various organs and systems.
  4. Psychiatric complications: Substance abuse is closely related with psychiatric problems. Various issues involved are explained in detail.
  5. Sexual problems and addiction: This is one of the most important subjects delicately explained by our psychiatrist.
  6. Serenity prayer: We believe that serenity prayer is the most effective tool in the recovery process. The prayer is explained by illustrating various life experiences.
  7. Mental health: Criteria for mental health is explained. Friends are then helped to check the areas needing improvement to restore mental health.
  8. Physical health and fitness: Qualified trainer explains nurturing physical health.
  9. First four steps of AA: Four separate sessions are organised to explain first four steps. Powerlessness over addiction, unmanageability of life, higher power, and self-inventory are explained in detail.
  10. Meditation and awareness: Information about Vipassana is provided. Also types of awareness are explained.
  11. Hobbies and creativity: Inmates are given the opportunity of using creative instances for happy and healthy living.
  12. Happiness and satisfaction: We endorse the view that happiness is the path, not a destination. The difference between point satisfaction and process satisfaction is explained.
  13. Anger control: Anger is a very common problem with addicts. Various tools of expressing and ventilating anger are explained.

Follow-up center activities

Counselors from Madhur make regular visits to follow-up centers. While at the follow-up centers, they:

  • Make home visits if required
  • attend to patients in need of individual counselling
  • Determine if a patient needs to be admitted to the de-addiction center
  • Develop support groups consisting of ex-patients
  • conduct family counselling and Sobat Astanameetings

Sobat Astana :”He never listens to me!”,Veena was saying about Gopal, her recovering husband. Gopal in turn complained that Veena always bombarded him with questions and complaints the moment he got back home from work, which irked him most. He thought she should instead wait until he settled down before shooting her questions.

Dialogs like this one are often heard at the meetings of Sobat Astana a group specially created for couples. Marital life is about bringing the wife and husband closer than ever, it’s about sharing the joys and sorrows together and living a happy life. But during addiction this relationship is worst affected. Disagreements turn into conflicts. Husband and wife get distanced from each other. Communication gap widens as time goes on.

To address these problems, the SobatAstana  group focuses on issues like demands and expectations, love, dealing with disagreements & disputes, sensible parenting, problems of intimacy etc. Meetings are interactive and open-mindedness is encouraged. New members learn from the experiences of senior couples. The meeting is conducted by a counsellor. The counsellor intervenes and solves disputes if and when they occur during the meeting.

When and where?
Fourth Saturday Month at 12.00 noon

Madhur Integrated Rehabilitation Center for Addicts,
26 Madhur Enclave, Shramjivi Nagar, Manewada Road, Nagpur-440027 MS

Before Confirm:

Institute for Psychological Health
Dr. PawanAdtiya, Bhande Plot chouk, Umred Road, Nagpur

Parents Meeting

When and where?

Fourth Saturday of admission Month at 12.00 noon

Madhur Integrated Rehabilitation Center for Addicts,
26 Madhur Enclave, Shramjivi Nagar, Manewada Road, Nagpur-440027 MS

Useful Internet links

Here are some addiction-related web site links that might be useful. If you know some that could be included here, do send us an email and let us know.

– Madhur IRCA Group’s

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